
Difference between metal injection molding and powder metallurgy(PM)

Metal injection molding is a method of powder metallurgy parts molding.
There are two kinds of powder metallurgy parts forming roughly: compression molding and injection molding.http://www.zcmim.com/

Compression molding has many different types. In practical industrial applications, my personal opinion is compression molding has much wider application. Closed steel cold pressing,  isostatic cool pressing, isostatic hot pressing, and warm- pressing are all belong to compression molding .

Compression molding, it refers to  fill dry powder into a mold by force and extrusion molding by external pressure.

Metal injection molding refers to inject a large number of very fine powder into shaping mold by adding thermoplastic binder.

Besides, there are other two special powder metallurgy parts processing: powder forging and powder rolling.

