
Anti rust treatment of iron base powder metallurgy catheter

Iron base powder metallurgy sintering (including powder forging method, manufacturing to iron as the main component of powder metallurgical materials and products (iron machine parts, reducing grinding materials, friction materials, as well as other Fe based powder metallurgy material) the general process. Today we have come to understand how to do the next iron base powder metallurgy pipe rust treatment?

Powder metallurgy general pipeline rust several, oil transportation process, rust proof paper bag. This is the most common of the rust proof packaging, the advantage of the anti rust effect can be my.

Can also choose the antirust packing of the high-end, not oiled, using nano membrane blocking, has the advantages of good rust prevention effect, appearance, simple operation, no late need cleaning.

If the choice of permanent passivation and coating, the effect of passivation for powder metallurgy in general, the transport process or the need for rust, coating paint some of the time limit is more, especially the latter is the assembly.

