
Metal lost wax molding process step

Today, what is the point of the metal lost wax molding process?
Step 1: melt the liquid wax into prior preparation of the metal mold (generally used aluminum mold), the formation of a number of parts of the wax after cooling solidification.
Step 2: use the characteristics of the low wax melting point, a single wax components combined into a tree structure.
Step 3: the combination of a good wax tree structure soaked in ceramic slurry.
Step 4: the ceramic surface sprayed with high temperature resistant fire particles.
Step 5: in a 500 -1095 high temperature oven, the inside of the wax will melt and drain away, forming a hollow ceramic tree structure.
Step 6: melt the liquid metal (gray part) into the cavity and fill the hollow cavity of the ceramic.

Step 7: after waiting inside the cavity of the liquid metal completely cooled and solidified, the outer surface of the ceramic shell crack. Finally, the single metal parts from tree cutting separation.

