Stainless steel powder metallurgy products,
injection molding defects in blank mostly in the process of injection forming.
Some of the defects of injection molding are visible to the naked eye, and some
may appear in the subsequent desorption or sintering process, but also to be
traced back to the injection molding process. Therefore, the quality control of
stainless steel powder metallurgy products is very important.
Stainless steel powder metallurgy products
injection forming slab defects: appearance observed flying edge, foaming,
corrugated surface, layered or skin, depression, and deformation of surface
black spots, the green strength is low and the operation of die sticking. The
causes and influencing factors of these defects are various, among which the
injection temperature and injection pressure are the key factors.
By adjusting the injection temperature and
injection pressure, most of the defects can be solved. When the temperature and
pressure of the adjustment to some defects change, further tracing to the
binder system is the right choice, powder and a node agent mixed refining
homogeneous degree, feeding with or without contamination, moisture absorption
and moisture factors, also check the mold cavity design, the sprue,
distributary channel and the gate design is reasonable.
In short, injection molding normal
operation and high quality injection molding compacts, many influencing factors
to in practice constantly explore and summarize, accumulate experience, to the
problems are compared with the exact analysis and judgment, and make timely