
Closely related to the development and production of metallic materials PM

Powder metallurgy industry is a dynamic industry, with the advent of the Internet age, and the degree of integration of the world economy to accelerate, powder metallurgy industry, business activity is showing a trend of globalization, cross-country and inter-regional economic and technical exchange activities have flourished. Powder metallurgy industry has now become a global industry, a powder metallurgy parts may be designed in one country, in another country is industrialized, in two or three countries is produced.

Many are closely related to the development and production of metallic materials powder metallurgy. Powder metallurgy is a metal powder (or mixture of metal powder and nonmetal powder) as raw material, molding and consolidation, the manufacturing process of metallic materials, composite materials and products. Development and production of high-performance metal powder, powder metallurgy materials and products to improve performance, and promote the progress of powder metallurgy technology plays a vital role.

In many of today's high-tech materials industry, metallurgy plays an increasingly important role. The growth rate far exceeds the powder metallurgy materials and products and other materials products, widely used in transportation, machinery, metallurgy, electric power, environmental protection, electronic information, petrochemical, aerospace, household appliances and the nuclear industry and other fields, for China's industrial and technological progress , economic development and national defense construction is important.

